Get Involved!
There are many ways to get involved in our community. We have a flexible committee structure that enables us to be responsive to community needs as they develop and change. If you'd like to get involved, or have a great idea for a project, contact our Council Moderator who can help you through the process of joining a group or starting something new. The Council is where all our groups and committees meet and coordinate.
+ Youngish Group
For young and youngish adults from age 18 to 40. The group meets regularly for lunch and other activities.
+ Exploration Groups
If you are looking for a way to engage more deeply within our community, this is a great way to get connected. Small groups of ten meet monthly to explore our monthly worship themes. The groups are led by trained facilitators who encourage deep listening so that each participant has a chance to share as fully as they wish. Monthly theme packets, designed to expand the conversation, are available from our group leaders and the office.
Go deeper together as we explore our monthly themes. Join an Exploration Group that meets once a month during the third or fourth week of the month for ninety minutes, October through May. Groups are limited to about 10 people. There currently three groups meeting once a month on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. If you'd like to join one of these groups, please contact Prue Rains for more information.
Past members say this: - "Being in an Exploration group is like having a caring family within UCM." - "I no longer feel alone at coffee hour!" - "Everyone is respected. Everyone is heard." - "I never feel pressured to share more than I want and I love delving into the themes each month, even when I think it's a theme I don't care about or makes me uncomfortable. Learning to deeply listen to what others have to say really gets me thinking. It's changed me."
Facilitators include: Janet Clancy, Holly Fleming, Patricia Gordon, Susan Gyetvay, Joan Hongoh, David Rollert.
The Social and Environmental Concerns Committee (SECC) uses direct action, advocacy, and educational initiatives to promote social justice and environmental responsibility.
+ BidSunday Committee
The BidSunday Committee plans and oversees all aspects of the UCM's yearly fundraising service auction.
+ Caring Network
Our Caring Network volunteer coordinators work with our minister to support members and friends who are in times of transition. This could be the loss of a job, moving to a new neighborhood or city, the arrival of a new baby, or unexpected illness, family problems, separation or divorce, bereavement or a bewildering depression. For the name of this month's coordinator, see The Week at a Glance, or contact the office at 514-485-9933.
+ Committee on Ministry
The Committee on Ministry provides a place for reflection on the overall health of the congregation, acting as a "sounding board" for the minister regarding sensitive issues and the larger ministry and life of the congregation.
+ Collage Group
+ Garden Group
+ Investment Committee
The Investment Committee oversees the investing of the church’s endowment fund, working with an outside investment advisor.
+ Lay Chaplaincy
Our Lay Chaplains are members of our congregation specially trained to perform all rites of passage, and are legally authorized by the province of Quebec to perform weddings. They offer special services to non-members including: weddings, rededication of vows, child dedications, and memorial services. If you are interested in learning about becoming a Lay Chaplain, contact the minister or the chair of the committee.
+ Membership
The Membership Committee welcomes newcomers, and hosts membership programs and encourages membership growth.
+ Phoenix Community Choir
Join this loving and supportive community, which rehearses every Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Their goal: to learn beautiful, accessible and fun songs from around the world. Free to join, no auditions, all are welcome regardless of musical background!
Phoenix Community Choir is currently on break - check back for more information soon!
+ Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee is a liaison between the Board of Management and the paid employees of the church.
+ RE Committee
The REC works with the Director of Religious Education to plan and develop the RE programs.Email: Katharine Childs.
+ Refugee Sponsorship Task Force
+ Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is responsible for UCM's annual pledge campaign and for laying the groundwork of future financial considerations.
+ Worship Planning Team
The Worship Planning Team works with the minister and others on all facets of the Sunday worship services. This includes the Sunday liturgists, members of the congregation who help in leading worship each week.