

Music at UCMTL

Historically, music has always been a rich part of UCM worship services and community life. On any given Sunday, you'll find our Pianist, Sandra Hunt, with the Laliberté Steinway piano. Services are enriched by the music created by various church members. The church is also home to a variety of concerts and workshops throughout the year. Events are listed here

Guest Musicians

Within our congregation, we are blessed to have members and friends willing to volunteer their musical talents for our Sunday service music needs. In recent years, our Music Director's Sunday off was frequently filled by the beautiful stylings of pianist and soprano Louise Halperin.  We were also treated to the ethereal voice of Jane Critchlow songleading and singing with her three musical groups: The Back Alley Roots Band, Cobb’s Cats and Sassenach (video below). 

The church has frequent musical guests, such as kora virtuoso Diely Mori Tounkara; vocalist, conductor and specialist in African-American Spiritual performance practice Floydd Ricketts; pianist-improviser and singer Lillias Lippert and multidisciplinary Métis artist/looping pedal mistress/spoken word poet Moe Clark.