Upcoming Worship Service

The Paradox of Community
Sunday, March 30, 2025

Melissa Titze and The Worship Team

Back by popular request, summer service coordinator and interdisciplinary artist Melissa Titze will be sharing a service around one of the most controversial topics and body parts: our bellies! Join us as we dive into how to connect with this often ignored part of our body with kindness and curiosity and what happens when we get brave enough to live centering ourselves at OUR centers: our stomachs…
Join us in person or Click here to join our online Sunday Service →

Click here to see the rest of our Sunday Service calendar →

BidSunday is back! Click below for all the details on this year’s event.

The Unitarian Church of Montreal


Founded in 1842, we are proud to be the first Unitarian congregation in Montreal and Canada. As a radically inclusive community of faith, we welcome you no matter what your cultural, religious, racial, ethnic, or socio-economic identity or background, immigration status, gender identity or sexual orientation may be.  Whether you are sceptic, a mystic, an atheist, an agnostic, theist or a spiritual seeker, we hope that you will find a place of belonging among us as we envision a world that calls us to love and justice.

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You can also stay in touch by joining us on Facebook or downloading our community newsletter.


We have launched our 2025 Pledge Campaign - Come Alive! We need your support.

February’s theme:

Courage in the Beloved Community

The front steps and building of the Unitarian Church of Montreal.

Visit Us*

Unitarian Church of Montreal
5035 boulevard de Maisonneuve O.
Montreal, QC  H4A 1Y5
Phone: 514-485-9933

Get directions →

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Statement of Solidarity with Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom

We, the Board of Management and Rev. Ian White Maher of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, stand in unwavering solidarity with Temple Emanu-El–Beth Sholom and Montreal's Jewish community following the deplorable antisemitic vandalism that occurred the weekend of February 15. An attack on any place of worship is an attack on the fundamental values that bind our community together.

Rabbi Grushcow's powerful call for education and active allyship resonates deeply. Silence in the face of hatred only serves to embolden those who seek to divide us. We encourage our community members to reach out to their Jewish friends and colleagues, to educate themselves about the historical weight of antisemitic symbols, and to speak up when they witness antisemitism in any form.

Hate has no place in our city. We call on all Montrealers to stand together against antisemitism and all forms of bigotry.

In solidarity,

Margo Ellis, President
Christopher Sweetnam-Holmes, Vice-President
Kendra Gray, Secretary
Dany Brown, Treasurer
Helen Krutz-Nagy, Warden
Susan Gyetvay, Stewardship
Avis Anderson, Member-at-Large
Hector Hernandez, Council Moderator
Rev. Ian White Maher, Minister