
The Unitarian Church is registered as a non-profit organization.  We are governed by our by-laws and standing rules. UCM is managed by two bodies, the Board of Management and the UCM Council. Together, the two groups are responsible for the mission and operations of the church:

1) The Board of Management is an elected group (by members in good standing) and tends to the governance of the church

2) The Council, which includes representatives from all of the committees and groups in the church, oversees UCM programs.  

Members in good standing approve the annual budget, vote on by-law changes and issues, elect officers at the annual general meeting, and are responsible for the calling and dismissing of ministers.

Committees, groups, and task forces support UCM programming and operations. Some of the committees may report directly to the Board while others focus on specific program areas.

UCM employs professional support staff to fulfill its mission. The minister functions as Chief of Staff and coordinates their work. The staff works in collaboration with committees and volunteers.

Board of Management
The Board of Management meets every 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm.

Officers of the Board of Management:

President: Margo Ellis

Vice President: Christopher Sweetnam-Holmes

Past President: Stas' Mackiewicz

Treasurer: Dany Brown

Secretary: Kendra Gray

Warden: Helen Krutz Nagy

Member at Large: Avis Anderson

Member at Large: - Empty -

Stewardship: Susan Gyetvay

Council Moderator: Hector Hernandez

Minister: Rev. Ian White Maher

UCM Council
The Council meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every other month at 6:30 pm with the addition of an extra meeting in October concerning the budget. Council meetings are open to all members of the UCM community.

Council Moderator: Kendra Gray
View Committees & Groups for contact information for participating committees and groups