In person and via Zoom
Worship Team: Rev. Diane Rollert, Mx. Katharine Childs, Sandra Hunt, Eleuthera Diconca-Lippert, Julie Richard, Dany Brown
This summer, our US sibling organization, the Unitarian Universalist Association, began a process to update the principles and purposes within its by-laws. In many ways this mirrors work we've been doing in the Canadian Unitarian Council for several years now. How do we define the essence of Unitarian Universalism? How do we draw a wider circle to express and live out our faith? Join Rev. Diane and the worship team to reflect on these ideas in concrete and personal ways.
Join online:
Meeting ID: 824 8169 5864
Password: 317122
or by phone: 438 809 7799 Canada or 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free.