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Worship Service: In Honour of Transgender Day of Remembrance

In person and via Zoom

Special Guest: Dr. Shuvo Gosh

November 20th is an annual observance that honours the memory of the trans people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-trans violence. As we see growing anti-trans sentiment here in Quebec and Canada, especially focused on concerns about trans children, Dr. Shuvo Gosh, director of the Montreal Interdisciplinary Research Alliance for Gender Expression in Youth (MIRAGE-Y), joins Rev. Diane and others to reflect on the needs and concerns of trans children and their families.

Dr. Gosh, a longtime Unitarian, is a pediatric doctor at Montreal Children’s Hospital. He is director of Resident Research and Scholarly Projects (Core Pediatric Residency Program); head of Gender Variance Program (GVP); and coordinator of the Child Development Research Alliance (CDRA).

To join us online:
Meeting ID: 824 8169 5864
Password: 317122
or by phone: 438 809 7799 Canada or 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free.