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Can Vegetarians Eat Carnivorous Plants? Flower Communion Service

Special guest Rev. Norm Horofker with the worship team

For those in the sanctuary: Please bring a flower!

A lighthearted multi-generational celebration of the 100th Anniversary of our Flower Communion Service. Rev. Norbert Capek and his wife Maya introduced the first Unitarian flower communion on June 4, 1923, as a way to bring together the diverse members of the Prague Unitarian Church. Come join us to celebrate in person or online.

Rev. Norm Horofker was born and raised in Thunder Bay Ontario. Norm and his wife Janet will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year. They have two daughters and 3 granddaughters ages 1 to 3 years. Norm’s first career was as a mechanical engineer and factory manager with assignments in Canada, the USA, India and China. After 35 years in that capacity, the last 17 years of that in Columbus Georgia, USA, Norm returned to study for UU ministry and was ordained in 2010. He accepted a call as the 35th minister of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax and served there for 10 years before retiring in 2012. Norm’s religious faith is grounded in his experience of the gift of life in an endlessly fascinating universe.

To join us online:

Meeting ID: 824 8169 5864

Password: 317122

or by phone: 438 809 7799 Canada or 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free.