Current Protocols for In-Person Services

New Protocol from UCM Board

88 people responded to our congregational survey. We thank you for taking the time to do this. A majority of people would like to maintain some level of precautions.

The board is doing its best to balance safety and individual needs with the lifting of government's regulations in most other areas of our lives.

After much discussion, the board decided on the following measures:

1) Since the government has discontinued its vaccine passport program, we will no longer require vaccine passports. However, we strongly encourage you to be vaccinated for your own well being and the safety of others.
2) Masks will continue to be required to protect our youngest children and our most vulnerable members in particular.
3) We will continue to limit attendance to 75.
4) We will keep the sanctuary doors open for better ventilation.
5) We will be able to sing with our masks on.
6) Rentals will follow government guidelines, but will have the right to request more restrictions at their discretion.

Please stay home if you are sick or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid.

The Board will be monitoring the situation closely and is prepared to revisit these parameters at our April Board meeting, or sooner if that is required. We are also open to running another survey in the near future. If you have feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to us at or via the number below.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.