A Passover Prayer

Rev. Diane Rollert
28 March 2021


Spirit of life,
last night we sat down
at the dinner table
to share in a small Seder for two.

We retold the story of Passover,
a lineage that goes back
for countless generations in my family.

These are the words we say each year:

May we always remember our past
and never forget those who are oppressed.

But the gratitude for freedom rings false,
our modern plagues overwhelm us:
the cruelty of leaders and
the selfishness of those of us
who hold privilege in the world,
who ignore the rights and needs of others.

And then, Oh Adonai,
there is the actual plague we face,
a plague of biblical proportions
that has shut us down
and separated us for more than a year,
taking lives and demanding
sacrifices from too many,
exposing injustices that break our hearts,
again and again.

There is so much work we need to do
to rise up against the Pharaohs of our time,
yet blessed is the hope of spring,
and the sweetness of the fruit of the vine.

May we strive to finally fulfill
the age old promise,
may we say with commitment
and sincerity,

“Next year with equality!
Next year in peace!”
