Another Late November Meditation (revised)

by Rev. Diane Rollert
November 19, 2023

The sun's light passes low
beneath the branches of the bare trees
and the afternoons disappear
before the evening hours.

Night comes quickly
and lasts long,
and when the morning rises to greet the stars,
we stumble in the dark.

Yet the light that finally lifts into the sky
is golden,
infusing a glowing warmth
into the grey,
a luminous wash of colour
you only find this time of year.

Oh you who are broken-hearted,
feeling lonely, isolated or grieving,
may this rare light be enough
to shine through the shortened days
to carry you safely through this season.

Oh you who are anxious, fearful and crying
with the state of the world,
may this light offer you a moment's comfort,
as you pray for peace.

Oh you who are celebrating the beauty of difference,
may this light illuminate your courage,
even when your days are filled with shadows.

May the light and love that is here
be enough to hold us all,
to carry us through November,
to carry us into a brighter future,
even from afar.